June 16, 2009

Rest in Peace Little Birdie...

AHHHHHHHHHHH OKAY...So I just walked downstairs to go run and a bird FLEW across the room (I'm talking full speed, all out flyin) right into the big glass door! And he fell to the ground and died RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!!!! AHHH WHAT DO I DO?? I hate birds....but i still feel so sorry for him. Awwwww, but there's no way I'm touching it. EWW He's just laying on the floor. I think I'll leave a note for marco telling him there's a dead bird on his living room floor....he will see it when he comes home for lunch! OH MY! CHE SCHIFO!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHA I forgot you told me about that on the phone! maybe cuz it was like 4 am hahahaha that was soooo funny!!! Love you mean it
