April 28, 2009

France anyone??

So this is Nice, France. Andrea and I decided to hop over the border and check it out for a day. It was rainy and cold the whole time, but of course that didn't stop us from our fun!!!
I really wanted to write a message in a bottle so I thought France was a good place to fulfill that goal :) Of course we documented the significant event !!! ha ha Writing and professing my love...
Deciding which bottle to use....Went with the plastic one because it had a lid...
And there it goes!!!
Wishin and Hopin for my bottle to be found by one one, true love!Check out the sky, one direction was dark and stormy while the opposite direction was bright and sunny. It was nuts!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Sarah Rogers, I love you so much and I miss you so much you have no idea. It kills me! I want to cry so much you're incredible and I am so happy you're getting these experiences. They will stay with you for a life time. Alex and I are holding a spot in our new apartment just for you. YOu better play with me when you get back or I'll cry... really lol! I love you so much and miss you so much. I have to send you an email with pictures of my wedding dress!!! I got it!!! crazy huh!? How exciting! I'm excited. Tell me what your email is and I'll email you everything that's going on! I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you!!!! I miss you I miss you!!!! ANd I wish I could've called oyu on your birthday, that would've been wonderful! I'm sorry I didn't. I love you and miss you. My email is orchid_marvasty@yahoo.com if you want to email me!! I love you and miss you!!!!!!
